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Leading Battery Innovation with Decades of Experience and Extensive Patent Portfolio

  • Relying on its decades of innovation and experience, LG Energy Solution shapes the future with next-generation battery technologies.
  • LG Energy Solution dominates the battery IP landscape with an impressive patent portfolio and technology leadership.
  • LG Energy Solution aims to build a fair battery market through IP licensing.

[Technology Leadership Series 1: Long-standing Industry Experience and Patents]

When it comes to innovation, LG Energy Solution is one of the few true battery pioneers. Back in 1992, it became the first Korean company to research rechargeable batteries, and over the years, LG Energy Solution has solidified its leading position in the battery industry. Building on over 30 years of technological expertise and business acumen, LG Energy Solution focuses on differentiating and improving customer value to stay ahead of the competition by securing key technologies in a wide range of fields including battery materials, processes, pack, and battery management system (BMS).

History of LG Energy Solution
History of LG Energy Solution

From tried-and-true first-generation technologies to cutting-edge third-generation advancements, LG Energy Solution has amassed an impressive patent portfolio of 62,409 patents as of June 2024 – 34,726 registered and 27,683 pending applications. With respect to patent holdings, this puts the LG Energy Solution name at the summit of global battery companies.

The industry widely believes that it is virtually impossible to manufacture batteries without infringing on LG Energy Solution’s patents. This speaks volumes about the company’s market dominance while also serving as a testament to both its relentless investment in R&D and its collaborations with major OEMs that are poised to create products that exceed customer needs and set new expectations of the industry.

LG Energy Solution’s cylindrical battery
LG Energy Solution’s cylindrical battery

At the heart of LG Energy Solution’s innovation is its Intellectual Property (IP) Center. Tasked with managing a diverse portfolio of patents encompassing first- and second-generation battery technologies, the IP Center recently shifted its focus to next-generation battery advancements such as cylindrical 46-Series batteries, dry electrodes, and solid-state batteries.

The IP Center even established an advanced IP R&D system to secure high-quality patents and ensure it’s always a few steps ahead of the competition. To support this, LG Energy Solution has recruited more highly skilled IP managers and set up IP offices in key regions. Additionally, the IP Center meticulously analyzes and evaluates its accumulated patents, both to assess LG Energy Solution’s contributions to various stages of technological advancement in the battery industry but also to safeguard and enable the company’s ability to protect its foundational and next-generation IP.

Given the current landscape, where latecomers are indiscriminately entering the market through tech theft and infringement, LG Energy Solution sees now as the perfect time to leverage its patents. As a global battery leader, it is taking various measures to establish a fairer competitive environment that upholds market order, so that it can reinvest its patent royalties into R&D and, as a result, pave the way for more innovative future technologies to advance the industry as a whole.

Je-Young Kim, CTO of LG Energy Solution
Je-Young Kim, CTO of LG Energy Solution

One notable patent royalty initiative is LG Energy Solution’s collaboration with Tulip Innovation and Panasonic Energy to form a new licensing program that integrates over 5,000 lithium-ion battery patents. This patent portfolio covers a broad range of components including anode, cathode, electrolyte, and separator, as well as technologies related to cells, modules, and packs.

“The Tulip Program offers battery manufacturers the opportunity to acquire extensive licenses for key technologies that can serve as the foundation of their business,” said Je-
Young Kim, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of LG Energy Solution.

Han-Sun Lee, Head of the IP Center at LG Energy Solution
Han-Sun Lee, Head of the IP Center at LG Energy Solution

In an interview with the British media outlet IAM, Han-Sun Lee, Head of the IP Center at LG Energy Solution, shared the center’s motto: “Making a better world through IP licensing.” He expressed hope that the newly introduced patent business model will not only establish order in the market but also create a positive cycle that encourages innovation. He also emphasized the importance of IP open innovation with high-tech ventures as the company advances into the future of the battery sector.

Despite the challenging market environment due to the EV market’s temporary slowdown, LG Energy Solution expects to secure opportunities to maintain its growth momentum and solidify its competitive edge. To achieve this, LG Energy Solution is pursuing three key initiatives: establishing technology leadership, securing cost competitiveness, and preparing for future business ventures.

(To be continued…)